Traditional For Loop NH Blog
Apex: Anatomy of a Traditional For Loop
One of the most important loops you’ll learn to use in Apex is the traditional for loop. Learn to get the most out of it in this 4-minute post.
Apex How to Create a Random Number NH blog
Apex: How to Create a Random Number in a Specific Range
Need to create a random whole number in Apex between 1 & 10 or 1 & 100 or 7 & 777? It's super simple but not intuitive — so I'll show you how.
How to Stop SOQL Injection Blog Post
How to Stop SOQL Injection
In the last post, I defined SOQL injection and how it works. In this post, I give you 3 easy steps to create injection-proof SOQL queries.
What is SOQL Injection
What is SOQL Injection?
SOQL Injection sounds like a medical procedure but it's actually a security threat to your org. Understand how it works so you can learn how to stop it.
How to Dedupe a Collection Variable Blog NH
Salesforce Flow: How to Remove Duplicates from a Collection Variable. For Real.
Here's the thing: if you search the interwebs for how to remove duplicates from a Salesforce flow collection variable you'll find all kinds of blog posts promising to show you — but then they don't.
How to Empty a Collection Variable Blog NH
How To Empty A Collection Variable in Salesforce Flow
Let's talk Salesforce collection variables, those handy flow resources that let you store items in a list (eg, records, numbers, text, etc.). Although it's more likely you'll simply want to add things...
Visualforce to the Rescue Salesforce Blog Post NH
Visualforce to the Rescue?
Is Visualforce still relevant today or is it a breath away from being a punchline just like its predecessor, S-Controls? Or is it both? Honestly, it doesn't matter if you're studying for the Salesforce...
Bulkify your Salesforce Flow in 3 simple steps.
Salesforce: Bulkify Your Flow in 3 Simple Steps
If you’re reading this, it’s probably because somebody told you to bulkify your flow. And you were like, “wut?” So, what does “bulkify” (or “bulkification”)...
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